International Prize for Humanitarian Photography. – 6,000 Euros Worth of Prize

International Prize for Humanitarian Photography. – 6,000 Euros Worth of Prize

 Deadline: October 31st, 2013

The competition is open to adult amateur and professional photographers of any nationality.

The Luis Valtueña Prize is celebrated annually in memory of Luis Valtueña, Flors Sirera, Manuel Madrazo and Mercedes Navarro: they were all aid workers for Doctors of the World who were killed in Rwanda in 1995 while working for humanitarian aid. Luis Valtueña was a professional Spanish photographer and worked as a reporter for Agencia Cover, hence why the prize carries his name.
Entries must be related to any of the following themes: humanitarian action, international cooperation and social exclusion –human rights violations, armed conflicts, natural disasters, refugee and immigrant populations, socially excluded groups, etc. – and/or to efforts aimed at building a fairer, more egalitarian world.

Each participant will be able to submit a maximum of ten photographs, which can be part of a series or standalone. The photographs may be in black and white or colour.
-Only photos taken between January 2011 and October 2013, and which have not been
previously entered, will be accepted.
-The photographs must be submitted in digital format.
Photographs must be sent in digital format with a minimum resolution of 300 ppi/ppp in the following two formats:
* TIFF with a CMYK color profile
* JPEG with RGB color profile
- The images should be in of high quality compression (12) and with the minimum size being 30cm on the shortest side.
- The original structure of the digital image can be altered using darkroom techniques such as adjustments to brightness, color contrast, overexposure and underexposure. No other change to the original digital image will be allowed.
- Only singe frame photos will be accepted. Photomontages and multiple exposures will exclude the photograph from the award.
- In order to confirm compliance with the award rules, the organisation reserves the right to request original image files as registered by the camera before manipulation; or a scanned copy of the print, negative or transparency before manipulation.
- The digital images must not bear any mark identifying the entrant.
- The digital images are to be sent as follows:
Photographs can be mailed on a properly protected CD or DVD, with the entrant’s name identified, to the following address:
MÉDICOS DEL MUNDO, C/ Conde de Vilches, 15, 28028 Madrid, España,
Photos contained in an appropriately labeled and protected envelope can also be delivered directly to the reception desk of Médicos del Mundo or at the address listed above.
Along with the photographs, an MS Word document containing the following information must be sent:
- Title of the work.
- The word ‘SERIES’ if the photographs are part of a series, including the order in which the images must be viewed.
- A brief description of the photograph, place and circumstances in which it was taken (max. 1 page). Special note will be taken where the background to the people or places featured in the photo is described.
- Full name, phone number, email address and postal address of the photographer, and contact person in case of photographer’s absence.
In observance of the Organic Law 15/1999 on the Protection of Personal Data of Personal Character, MEDICOS DEL MUNDO, informs that all personal information received will be incorporated in a file. Moreover, we inform that said information will be used solely used for the contest in order to be able to contact you in case of being one of the winners.
If you wish, you can exercise your Rights of access, rectification, cancelation and oposition provided by the Law, and writing a letter to Madrid, C/ Conde de Vilches #15


The closing date for the submission of photographs is October 31st, 2013. The postmark on the envelope will be considered as the date of submission.
The following prizes will be awarded:
FIRST PRIZE: a project grant of 6,000 euros
The winner will receive a project grant worth € 6,000 to develop a photo project related to the work of MÉDICOS DEL MUNDO , whether in Spain or another country, subject to the approval of the Organisation.

The winner will define the project’s objectives and further development jointly with MÉDICOS DEL MUNDO.

The grant will cover all project expenses. Once terms of the project have been settled, MÉDICOS DEL MUNDO will not require proof of spending.
The grant will be paid in three instalments: 50% when the winner has been announced; 25% at the beginning of the project; and the remaining 25% at the end.
The project will have to be finished before December 15th 2014.

Along with the winning entries, other photos will be selected from all those submitted to form part of a travelling national and international exhibition. Photographers will be contacted if their works have been chosen.
For More Information:
Visit the Official Webpage of the Luis Valtueña International Prize for Humanitarian Photography

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