Reagan-Fascell Democracy Fellowship Programme 2014/2015

Reagan-Fascell Democracy Fellowship Programme 2014/2015 

 Application deadline: Tuesday, October 1, 2013.

Named in honor of NED’s principal founders, former president Ronald Reagan and the late
congressman Dante Fascell, the Reagan-Fascell Democracy Fellows Program is funded by the U.S. Congress to enable democratic practitioners, scholars, and journalists from around the world to deepen their understanding of democracy and enhance their ability to promote democratic change.
Reagan-Fascell Democracy Fellows maintain full-time residence at the International Forum for Democratic Studies, NED’s research arm located in Washington, D.C. Dedicated to international exchange, the program offers a collegial environment for fellows to reflect on their experiences and consider lessons learned; conduct research and writing; develop contacts and exchange ideas with counterparts in Washington, D.C.; and build ties that contribute to the development of a global network of democracy advocates.
The Forum hosts 16 to 20 Reagan-Fascell Fellows per year, divided into two five-month sessions:
2014–2015 Fellowship Sessions:
Fall 2014 Session:
Oct 1, 2014—February 28, 2015
Spring 2015 Session:
March 1—July 31, 2015
The program offers two tracks, a practitioner track and a scholarly track.

The Practitioner Track

The Reagan-Fascell program was established primarily to support democratic activists, human rights advocates, journalists, and others who work on the front lines of democracy promotion in emerging and aspiring democracies. The program seeks to provide experienced activists with an opportunity to reflect on their work, learn from counterparts in the United States, and reevaluate techniques for building democracy in their country of origin. Fellowships on the practitioner track typically culminate in a strategy memorandum, short article or op-ed, and a formal presentation of the fellow’s analysis and ideas.

The Scholarly Track

Recognizing the importance of intellectual contributions to the theory and practice of democracy, the program offers a scholarly track principally for professors and researchers from emerging and aspiring democracies. Accomplished scholars from established democracies are also eligible to apply. Applicants are expected to possess a Ph.D., or academic equivalent, at the time of application, and to have developed a rigorous research outline. During their stay at the Forum, scholars make at least one formal presentation and complete a substantial piece of writing (a monograph or book) for publication.

Facilities and Services

Each fellow receives a monthly stipend for living expenses, plus health insurance and reimbursement for travel to and from Washington, D.C., at the beginning and end of the fellowship period. Fellows also receive a fully equipped office and research support through the Forum’s Democracy Resource Center and the Research Associates Program.
While in residence at the Forum, fellows have the opportunity to interact with staff and other visiting scholars and activists in the collegial environment at NED, and with the policy, media, and academic communities in Washington, D.C. Fellows are encouraged to consult with counterparts in the United States, and to participate in the many conferences and seminars held at NED and at the various universities, think tanks, and nongovernmental organizations in the metropolitan area.

Eligibility Requirements for All Applicants

  • Citizens of any country may apply
  • Proficiency in the English language
  • Topics focusing on the political, social, economic, legal, or cultural aspects of democratic development
  • Availability to be in residence at the International Forum for Democratic Studies in Washington, D.C., during the year for which candidates are applying for a fellowship.
Eligibility – Practitioner Track
Applicants interested in the practitioner track are expected to have substantial practical experience working to promote democracy or human rights in their country of origin or interest. There are no specific degree requirements for the practitioner track. A Ph.D., for instance, is not required of practitioner applicants. While there are also no age limits, applicants on the practitioner track are typically mid-career professionals with several years of professional experience in the field of democracy and human rights.
Examples of eligible candidates for the practitioner track include human rights advocates, lawyers, journalists, labor leaders, political party activists, diplomats, professional staff of civic or humanitarian organizations, and other civil society professionals from developing and aspiring democracies.

Eligibility – Scholarly Track

Applicants interested in the scholarly track are expected to possess a doctorate (a Ph.D., or academic equivalent) at the time of application, to have a proven record of publications in their field, and to have developed a detailed research outline for their fellowship project.
Examples of eligible candidates for the scholarly track include college and university professors, researchers, journalists, and other writers from developing and aspiring democracies. Distinguished scholars from the United States or other established democracies are also eligible to apply. Occasionally, a professional who is planning to write a book or other scholarly publication may qualify to apply on the scholarly track.

English Language Requirement

A working knowledge of English is a prerequisite for participation in the Reagan-Fascell Democracy Fellows Program. All application materials must be submitted in English. While fellows’ primary product may be in their native language, they should have a solid command of written and spoken English for general communication purposes.

Individuals Ineligible to Apply:

  • Students seeking scholarships, or other types of financial aid, to defray the cost of their education
  • Ph.D. candidates & postdoctoral scholars seeking funding to pursue doctoral/postdoctoral research
  • Professionals seeking financial assistance to pay for trainings, attend conferences, or pursue internships
  • Individuals without proficiency in the English language
  • Applicants whose projects fail to draw a connection to democracy and human rights
  • Candidates unable to be in residence at the International Forum for Democratic Studies in Washington, D.C., during the year for which they are applying for a fellowship.
Apply Now for the 2014/2015 Reagan-Fascell Democracy Fellowship Programme

Contact Fellowship Programs:
Program Assistant, Fellowship Programs
International Forum for Democratic Studies,
Phone: (202) 378-9700 / Fax (202) 378-9407

More Info/Source:Visit the Official Webpage of the Reagan-Fascell Democracy Fellowship Programme

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