Hearing Protection and Hearing Aids

As a result of our daily activities we are often exposed to noise pollution. The exposure sometimes is deliberate while others just takes us unaware. An aspect of health that is not given much attention is the health of our ears. Despite all attempts to minimize all forms of pollution one that should be given special
attention is noise pollution as well as sounds of higher frequencies that are beyond the human audible frequency . Noise pollution can lead to partial deafness and if not properly taken care of can degenerate to permanent deafness. It will be very bad for someone who is perfectly ok with regards to picking audible sounds completely go deaf as a result of ignorance or negligence of the need to protect one's ear against inevitable or unwanted sounds.

Noise and nuisance have become more of an environmental issue since the industrial age. Human-created noise is harmful to health or welfare. Transportation vehicles are the worst offenders, with aircraft, railroad stock contributing to these noise pollution. Noise pollution refers to a type of energy pollution in which distracting, irritating or damaging sounds are freely audible. Noise above a certain volume threshold affects our well-being.

Why Use Hearing Protection?

Depending on the environment you find yourself it becomes important for you to use hearing protection or hearing aids since some of these sounds above certain frequency are inevitable yet not ideal for you. Hearing Protection are useful to children as well as adults in one way or the other.

Research shows that more and more gun enthusiasts and hunters are interested in using hearing protection that has been custom molded to maximize the protection to their ears. However with Pro-Ear products apart from being ideal  shooting competition products they can minimize unwanted sounds in a range of loud noise environments such as construction sites, industrial plants, music venues and other places where hearing protection is of the highest priority.

Pro Ears offer exciting new product,  Pro-Fit,a custom fit digital hearing amplification and protection ear plugs. Pro-Fit represents a very exciting and potentially lucrative opportunity to work together. You can see some of Pro Ears Products here .

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