Job Position: Vice-Chancellor

 Job Position: Vice-Chancellor
Applications are hereby invited from suitably-qualified persons for the position of Vice-Chancellor in a
Private University in South-South Nigeria.

Job Position: Vice-Chancellor

As the most senior administrative and academic officer of the University, the Vice-Chancellor provides strategic direction and leadership, through, among others, a coherent vision and clear goals for the University. He also ensures efficient resource husbanding for the University.
Requirements for the Post
1. Academic

The candidate should be a respected senior academic with considerable experience within the tertiary education system. He should be able to demonstrate scholarly excellence in terms of publications, teaching, research, and community service.

2. Administrative and Managerial
The candidate should:

  • produce convincing evidence of being a self-starter with strong personal initiative;
  • be a result-oriented and resourceful manager of human and material resources;
  • Possess analytical skills, and ability to read, understand and interprets basic financial reports and statements;
  • Possess proficiency in the use of standard computer software, and
  • Possess strong people-skills.
  • have proven ability to generate and attract funds to worthwhile causes;
  • have irrevocable commitment to best practices in corporate governance, particularly in the areas of integrity, accountability, transparency, and moral standards;

How to Apply
Interested candidates should submit their application and current curriculum vitae to: Candidates should attach a PDF statement of their vision for the university in the next five years in not more than 1,000 words and not less than 600 words, not later than 6th August, 2013.

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